From just being a reception desk, transformed into a whole exhibition space, the “Stahlwelt” has transformed a factory premise into a museum for Voestalpine. By welcoming 50.000 paying visitors a year, the exhibition pretty much finances itself. It tells a story, about the ruggedness of steel, but also the molecular story from a chemical perspective.

Eventually, the Stahlwelt Museum Voestalpine was built. A giant communicative message, conveyed by an expansive steel hedgehog hung from the ceiling, filled with iron molecules that can be individually projected on. Today, “Stahlwelt” has not only changed the way Voestalpine or the visitors see the whole subject of steel. It has also, among Ars Electronica or Lentos Kunstmuseum, contributed to the cultural landscape of the city of Linz, which is now perceived as the “City of MediaArts”.