New Brand
For decades Audi’s logo has served as an unassailable icon of prestige, and with it, a rigid set of rules. But times are changing, and so do brands. Why not use this change of an era to initiate a change of design at the same time?

»We developed the Audi CI in line with the challenges posed by the latest advancements in the digital space. We no longer make a distinction between digital and analogue channels. This move allows us to implement our projects more quickly and flexibly.«
Simone Labonte
Audi Brand Identity Director
With the new Audi brand, the Audi logo is supplied as open source, so everybody could use it and integrate it in their own personal message. Thus, the brand is immersing itself in the dialogue with its customers. 170 countries are working with it around the globe, following the look & feel as well as the brand identity.